Seasonal Produce
All products subject to seasonal availability. Please contact us to find out more

Redlove® apple
One of the first red skin, red flesh apples, Redlove® apple is red inside and out.Redlove® apple has the same sharp fresh flavours of a Granny Smith, making it
perfect for cheese boards, pies, crumbles, juicing or purees.
Redlove® has been bred in Switzerland by Lubera® in the valley of the young Rhine, between Lake of Constance and the Alps. 20 years in the making Redlove® apple is truly unique. It does not oxidise when cut and makes the perfect garnish for gourmet chefs.
AMJ Produce Co. wholesale suppliers of fresh fruits and vegetables to restaurants and caterers. We specialise in sourcing and supplying hard to source fruit and vegetable lines for wholesale supply. Please contact AMJ Produce if there is something you would like us to find for you.