Seasonal Produce
All products subject to seasonal availability. Please contact us to find out more

Warrigal Greens
This leafy green is also known as New Zealand spinach and also Botany Bay greens and is one of few commercially available Australian native food plants.
Many Australians now would consider them only weeds yet they were an integral part to the Indigenous Australian diet and also in keeping our early settlers healthy!
Like other leafy vegetables, warrigal greens are full of vitamins. Captain Cook was known to encourage his men to eat them to prevent scurvy and it was even enjoyed in England for a time after Sir Joseph Banks brought back the seeds from early expeditions.
AMJ Produce Co. wholesale suppliers of fresh fruits and vegetables to restaurants and caterers. We specialise in sourcing and supplying hard to source fruit and vegetable lines for wholesale supply. Please contact AMJ Produce if there is something you would like us to find for you.